obama on the left, mccain on the right
kate, i'm stealing another link from you. because today has been a stressful day and these kids have me smiling.
i love america.
p.s. that is how i dance when only my kids are watching.
p.p.s. i wish.
update: milo just woke up and i am dancing like those kids and it is making him really mad. "why are you doing that, mom? stop that!" (i think milo might be unamerican. i mean, his favorite food is french fries. but you didn't hear it from me.)
you can steal all my links always! it's not like we'll ever be seen wearing the same link. i mean, we don't even actually exist outside of the internet. so sharing links might be all we've got! (and scrabulous)
i don't know, kate. i mean, this is america, where a boring housewife and a hipster city girl can be friends in real life too! unless you're unamerican also...
i can say with a surety this is the ONLY thing I've enjoyed this whole political race. That song is gonna be in my head all night...I'm gonna go pop my collar and do the krip walk
hahaha that video is awesome.
Who is Kake? Her blog is super cute.
she is jill's bff. i know. i want to hijack her blog and make it my own.
Thanks for that video. I'm not sure if I got more of a kick out of that, or imagining you dance like them and your son wondering what the heck you were doing... :)
That was awesome!! thanks for posting. I'm sure you danced it quite nicely. That is cracking me up that you called your own son unamerican!! LOL!!! You are too funny:)
love this abby!
umm...i think i'm about to steal this from YOU!
I loved this!
I want to see your dance moves Abby!
I heard this briefly on the radio and loved it. thanks for the link. even though the election's over, I still love it.
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