Monday, September 22, 2008

the kids

milo's favorite phrases of late are, "OH! i have an idea!" and "heeeere goes nothin'!" these are usually followed by all-out debauchery on his part.

princess pearl's favorite words are "mo-mo" (milo) and "please!" and "milk" (she is downright addicted). pearl is almost always an accessory to milo's debauchery.

we sure love them both.


Anonymous said...

Milo sure is a talker! He must store up every idiomatic phrase he hears. Pearl is not a baby anymore! AG

abby said...

it's true. we just said our prayers and milo always insists on saying the prayer by himself. he said, "thankful we could drive and thankful we could eat chicken and rice..." it was cute.

Wendy said...

Your kids are both so cute!!! And smart, too. I love the photos you posted in this blog. Are they with the new camera?

abby said...

those are actually photobooth photos. the holga and i are still trying to figure each other out.

Anonymous said...

Abby I love the new look of your blog! The pics at the top are great! As alway, simply simple and divine. It's your trademark. Did you know?