"Only the margin left to write on now. I love you, I love you, I love you."
At the risk of sounding like a complete nerd, can I say how much I adored this book? How much I want to be Cassandra? How I fancy myself a little bit like her?
Why is this book not more recognized? I cried at the end of this book, and I never cry at the end of books.
Of course I am going to buy my own copy as soon as possible. The above cover is so much more lovely and fitting than the flowered copy I borrowed from the library.
I feel sad that even in composing this review of it, I can't rise above my blogging standard of writing lame, halting sentences in order to describe how I feel about this wonderful book.
How did you come to read it? AG
Correction! You are the cutest girl I know. Nothing like a good book, don't be shy.
Love you! Jamie
i love it too. very much. and i have an awesome ability to remember NO details about books i read, except that i love them or not. and i remember that i really really love this. and i've never seen that cover, but i agree, much superior to the floral version.
I never read this book, but now I am going to...thank you for sharing, Abby!
Thanks for the recommendation. Can't wait to read it.
I just requested this from the library. Thanks for the recommendation Abby.
Hey, Miss Abby - how are you? I haven't visited your blog in forever - hope all is well for you and your precious family! I will have to check out this book.
My kids go back to school on August 11th and I am SOOOO looking forward to just a "sliver" of time to myself! (It is SO hard having kids with you 24/7.... people who have not done it simply don't know!!)
Anyway, just wanted to say "hola" and "que tal".
I thought of you the other day. A blogger buddy I met (through blogging, obviously) made me a CD of some really beautiful music (Alexi Murdoch was one, and there were many others that I had never heard of, but I'm sure you are familiar wtih...). Anyway, I listen to it ALL the time now. Beautiful music! (Aren't you glad God gave us music? Boy, I sure am!)
Anyway, have a great day!
Thanks for posting recommendations on good books. I'm always looking for them-- it helps when someone else has read it!
I'll check it out and let ya know how I like it! Thanks!
When's Pearl's birthday?
today! (wednesday)
Hey, Pearly Baby, Happy Birthday! Nana
Oh, wow! Happy, happy birthday! I can't wait to see the pictures.
When are you coming to Phoenix? We'll have to drop by your parents' (when you're not too busy) to say "hi."
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