Thursday, July 17, 2008

boom boom boom! did you see that?

I can't be the only one who thinks this is funny.


Bethany said...

Such a cute kid. And yes-- I think it's funny, too.

Sarah said...

Boys are so good at sound effects. He reminds me of Owen here.

Anonymous said...

Milo is so dramatic! AG

Wendy said...

HA! :-) Milo you crack me up!

I love how serious you are Abby. Were you just dying to laugh out loud?

So cute!

Elena said...

oh, that is so cute!! Milo is so funny!

Bon said...

freakin hilarious. sounds like tucker

Anonymous said...

This gets funnier every time I watch it. AG

Whitney said...

I'm glad you found our blog the other day :) That video was hillarous, I just wonder who he is talking about?

abby said...

I'm not sure who Milo is referring to either, but what I do know is that all evil doers ought to beware. By the way, I taught him everything he knows. He is a formidable foe indeed.

Jamie (Milo's very proud Daddy)

HWHL said...

So CUTE!!!!
When our son was little (about Milo's age), he was telling us about a "very bad storm" that came over a barn and apparently the storm was so bad that it "scared the pigs" but the way he said it was SO funny.... we still laugh about it to this day, and Jordan is now 12 years old.

These are precious memories!