rise and shout
Milo is the biggest BYU fan you have ever met. I'm not sure he knows what a Cougar is, but he can sure growl like one. And that's what's important. We have in no way kindled this obsession. Our blood definitely has a blueish tinge to it, but we do not wear shirts that say "Fully Invested." So that's where we stand. But as we were driving past BYU yesterday, Milo went off on one of his "Go BYU!" rants and we decided that of course he will attend BYU and he will major in Lions with a minor in Corn Dogs.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! AG
It's funny what kids pick up, isn't it. Goooooo Cougars!
The cougars are out!
Milo has twinner suits with Owen. Well, last year's suit.
All our dreams have come true for him now. Job well done, mom and dad.
hahah, i think if they had a corndog major, by the time milo gets there, nate would be one of his professors.
I love your kids! They're so cute! (not to mention a good buddy for Ryan :) )
Also, I tagged you on my blog so you'll have to copy/paste it into yours!
He is just so cute, Abby!
I wish I could whisk my son back to that sweet age! They grow up and become surly adolescents WAY too quickly (right now my son is downstairs playing "WWE Smackdown" on his PS2. Sigh.)
Well you know how much we love BYU. Mya is a big BYU fan too. She rotates her 4 BYU shirts daily. Maybe Milo and Mya will be at BYU together. Only Mya will be majoring in drums.
Wait, there is a corndog minor? Where have I been this whole time! Glad he has an academic plan, way to be an early starter, Milo.
We have a little blue blood too! I love the sweet little stories that you put on your blog! They make me smile.
Your story gets funnier every time I read it. AG
That is so cute. He'll be a great fan when he's older.
Hey-I heard the good news about you! You will be an amazing Relief Society President. (We actually guess it would be you).
It was so great to see you on Friday night! Cole mentioned that it was so fun to see you and your kids and Emily too! Thanks for coming. Your kids are even cuter in person. I wish that we had more time to chat! Relief Society Pres? Seriously?
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