pearl has recently turned into what her cousin grace would call a "cuddlebug." we love it.
did you know that milo is a cowboy? he is rarely seen without his boots. after a bath the other day, he ran straight to his room to put them on. nevermind pants, shirt, diaper... i took pictures, but i'll spare you the bare bum shots. i am just wondering if the nba will let him play in boots rather than regulation sneakers? hmmmm. we'll have to figure that one out when he gets drafted. (actually, basketball is totally out. baseball is the new basketball. it is kind of a relief to move on, but i would kind of rather watch steve nash shoot hoops than randy johnson throw strikes. you know? i take that back. i would love to be at the b.o.b. {what is it called now?} watching the dbacks play right now. love you randy j.)
the many moods of pearly grace. who still does not sleep through the night or take consistent naps. who i still love with all my heart.
I get so excited every time you post new pictures! Milo in his cowboy boots shows his fun personality, and Pearl is quite the little beauty. Can't wait to see them! AG
Miss Pearl is getting so much hair now! I love those "cuddlebug" days - enjoy them! Girls tend to be super-independent! (With my kids my daughter has ALWAYS been the very independent one.... interesting, because I always assumed it would be the other way around.) Also, she's a huge Dadd's Girl.... looks like your Pearl may be as well, the way she's snuggling in with your husband. So sweet! :-)
Abby, I feel your pain. Ethan (except very occasionally) doesn't sleep through the night yet, either! What stinker children we have! And, though he doesn't take naps at the same time, I at least can depend on a morning and afternoon one, now. Good luck with Pearl:) It's a good thing babies are cute, huh??
PS. It makes me SOO happy to see Pearl wearing Talley's pink onesie. Talley wore that when she was 15 mos. old on our October 2006 trip to Haiti. Ahh ... I miss my girl. It warms my heart to see Pearly getting good use from it. Maybe I can find a pic of Talley wearing it. ;-)
Hi. I just found your blog and I think you have an excessively cute life and kids. Also, I have a rear-shot of one of my brothers wearing nothing but his cowboy boots when he was your sons age, which I think is funny. I love your pictures!
I get so excited every time you post new pictures! Milo in his cowboy boots shows his fun personality, and Pearl is quite the little beauty. Can't wait to see them! AG
Miss Pearl is getting so much hair now! I love those "cuddlebug" days - enjoy them! Girls tend to be super-independent! (With my kids my daughter has ALWAYS been the very independent one.... interesting, because I always assumed it would be the other way around.) Also, she's a huge Dadd's Girl.... looks like your Pearl may be as well, the way she's snuggling in with your husband. So sweet! :-)
Your kids are so super cute - love the boots!
Abby, I feel your pain. Ethan (except very occasionally) doesn't sleep through the night yet, either! What stinker children we have! And, though he doesn't take naps at the same time, I at least can depend on a morning and afternoon one, now. Good luck with Pearl:) It's a good thing babies are cute, huh??
precious pics. excessive is okay, they grow up so fast so keep takin em!
Milo IS a cowboy. I love the photo of his trike wheel and cowboy boots up close. It looks like you guys had a lovely time outside.
PS. It makes me SOO happy to see Pearl wearing Talley's pink onesie. Talley wore that when she was 15 mos. old on our October 2006 trip to Haiti. Ahh ... I miss my girl. It warms my heart to see Pearly getting good use from it. Maybe I can find a pic of Talley wearing it. ;-)
OK, I was wrong. She wore it on her first birthday--July 13, 2006--the day we first met her. And it was huge on her. ;-)
it made me happy too, wendy. when i put it on her i thought of talley and felt happy she and pearl have this little connection.
I found your blog absolutely randomly....I love your posts!! Love Milo's boots- so cute! And little Pearl is such a cutie!!!! What a cute family!
Hi. I just found your blog and I think you have an excessively cute life and kids. Also, I have a rear-shot of one of my brothers wearing nothing but his cowboy boots when he was your sons age, which I think is funny. I love your pictures!
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