maybe if it was Nash...
We are purging our lives of junk lately and came across this great find from the mid-90s, a golden era for your Phoenix Suns:The little boy saw it, ran to it, embraced it. "Oh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn! Basketball! Oh man! Yesss."
I really want to throw it away while I'm sure Milo would prefer it propped lovingly next to the TV, his two favorite things in blissful cohabitation. But then, it is signed by the Team Leaders themselves. We're talking KJ, Barkley, and hottie Dan Majerle. I am wondering it anyone on eBay would shell out a dollar or two for it.
Cotton Fitzsimmmons, Danny Ainge, Shazaaaam, Purple Palace, Whatashotwhataburger, NBA Finals. Really, the memories are flooding back.
So, should I love it or lose it?
he's so cute. you know, i have no emotional attachment to phoenix or sports. honestly, all of nate's boyish and manish sports stuff i try to hide in a closet upstairs. so, i'm no help!
let me take that back...i love sports - i still keep my little old rt. hand baseball glove from my grandma or something (because i'm left handed and so was she) and we have tons of sports stuff that i love. i guess i just don't love sports memorabilia.
Exactly, Ashley. Sports are not design friendly for the most part. I love the Suns, but I really don't want a Suns themed room ever. I am thinking it will happen anyway. :)
I am counting your vote as "lose it!"
Socks. Number 34. That crucial three-pointer that lost it all.
P.S. I'm coming over after school tomorrow. We'll have grapes on ice and Dr. Pepper. I think reruns of "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" are on. We might visit the pool too.
LOVE it! This was the best years of the Suns! And oh, dan majerle was so hot! Honest confession, I still own a basketball card signed by Dan Majerle that I got at a swap meet when I was 8. Did you know that KJ is running for mayor of Sacramento? I am contemplating moving to Sacramento just to support. Ok not really but maybe just keep the frame till I see you next week cause I want to see this in real life! Honestly though, lose it. It's tacky. And yes, I agree, no Suns themed rooms.
Eliza, you mean I'M coming to YOUR house, and we're watching My So-Called Life. And I think I'll have a Hansen's instead of DP. And I think Phil V and Paul C might come over too.
Jill, that is awesome! I actually don't think the Sharp household can support KJ's political career because on a certain occasion he was way rude to Jamie's sister, denying an autograph. Lame, KJ, lame. But I love that you have (or had) the Suns fever Jill. (P.S. When and where are we meeting up??)
What is this story of KJ being rude to who??? Gotta hear this one!
Look at your son with that basketball! Oh my goodness - he's a little "jock-in-training"! :-)
Personally, I would sell the thing on Ebay, but that's just me. I'm very into de-cluttering, whenever possible.
I see MANY basketball games in your future though... :-)
i would totally LOVE IT. and by that, i mean, sock it away for a few more years till it gains more value. that was prime time for suns! i remember in 6th grade doing a dance performance to a suns themed song for our talent show. those were the days...
Are you kidding me? Keep it, keep it keep it! This is one of those things, that, 30 years down the road, you would be kicking yourself for getting rid of. I know this for a fact, because I have barely any things from my youth. I wish I had my Doris Day lunch box and my Grace Kelly paper dolls. Get a medium sized bin and put a few items away. You will not regret it. Not to mention the present, and future emotional attachment your son has for the ball. It's 100% keep it! AG
Vintage is back sweetie!!
Abby, listen to your mother. Then after you have HIDDEN (because it is tacky) it away for awhile, sell it on ebay and buy something really cool. I didn't say expensive, just cool.
Yeah, Mom, I think if I keep it, it will be hidden. But somehow I don't think that in 30 years "my Phoenix Suns Team Leaders poster" will be quite so beloved and lovely sounding as "my Grace Kelly paper dolls" (you should have kept those).
For years I plotted a way in which to steal that from Jamie's bedroom without him ever knowing. If you throw it away, let me know the location of your dumpster!!!
ummm...I would pay at least $1000 for it on ebay!!! Oh, the golden years! That was some good times! Oh, and Dan still calls me on a regular's so cute!! :)
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