all the news that's fit to blog
In weekend news, General Conference was amazing. I have kind of been in a slump and now I feel so motivated to be a better person. More loving, less judgmental. Ready to stand up for what I believe, unapologetically. Less willing to beat up on myself for all my weaknesses. Proud to be a mother. You get the idea. You can listen to all of the talks here. I particularly recommend talks by Jeffrey R. Holland, M. Russell Ballard, and the last talk of all by President Thomas S. Monson (all Sunday afternoon session). I'm so grateful for these leaders who dedicate their lives to service and the Lord.
In completely unrelated news, I've found the perfect crib set. And it's only about $500! My daughter would probably poop all over it on night three and that would be the end of that. I like to look at it, anyway. (But really, what should I do about a crib set? We are bumper-less, so Pearl gets her legs caught in the crib rails as she thrashes her way to sleep. Sleeping in general is just so lovely around here...)In slightly related news, look at the beautiful cake my sister-in-law Amy made. She is so talented in that department. It was red velvet inside, and delicious too.
In entertainment news, we tried to fly a kite last week. We failed miserably. We are pretty sure it's the kite's fault.
In news of heroism, Jamie saved Pearl from choking on a little piece of plastic wrapper last week and she instantly became a daddy's girl. It was very interesting (and frightening!) to witness. He was the only one allowed to hold her for awhile, which he loved.
In oh-yeah-what's-new? news, Milo likes cake...
Finally, in my-children-are-growing-up-too-fast news, Milo and Pearl have been practicing Prom poses.
prom funny! Loved the post!
LOL, I always absolutly love your posts. You always make me laught so hard!
I think you should make your own crib set! You are crafty like that- and you always seem to find good fabric...? And you'd love it so much more.
I recognize that "Daddy's Girl in Training" look.... look out! My hubby and 10 year old daughter are a tight little TEAM! Nothing gets between those two! Very sweet. (That cake is gorgeous, btw - very professional looking...) :-)
oh abby. your children look like amye and dennis. except they also look like you. and they also look like jamie.
remember when we used to use your dad's typewriter to create our own newspapers? and then we took it to taylor rental, hoping to find a copy machine. "oh if we could only copy the brilliance, everyone would read it! and love it!" but alas, i think we made few copies if any.
our paper was the finest anyone in arizona had seen since the phoenix gazette.
may it rest in peace. (eliza, i miss you. i think now that you are married, and i am married, we should be having mid-afternoon tea parties and gossiping about the neighbors. alas, your neighbors are not mine. will you come over and play?)
Beautiful cake, Amy. Wonderful pictures of beautiful children, Abby. You should be a photographer. You also write very clever things. AG
Eliza, it's so fun to remember the good ol' days. You and Abby were a seriously creative team! AG
Your kids are sooo adorable!!!
Milo looks haappy with blue lips
;) Thanks for cake post :)
Maybe you could look on eBay? I just bought a Cassic Pooh set with 2 bumpers, evtra crib sheets, musical mobile and diaper hanger for $65 (before shipping) and they're very nice.
Good idea Kim. I'll try that!
You crack me up Abby! ;-)
Great pics, as always. Cute kids, as always. Creative writing, as always. ;-)
I agree with Debi--make your bedding. You'll get just what you want and love it all the more because you created it.
PS. I am sorry Pearl was choking, but that is good it brought her and Daddy closer. Sahara became close to Tim when I was gone in VietNam for 3 months adopting Ryland. They were best buddies when I cam home, and while I was happy about it; I was a little sad, too. I like being the favorite parent. ;-)
Poor Pearl!!! That made me so sad. I am glad she has a good dad to save her. Don't you hate that most things that are so beautiful are so expensive. ($500 yikes!) I made Afton's bedding and two days later I decided that I hated it. But you have way more sewing and design skills than me.
Actually, I have very limited sewing skills. The idea of making my own set (though a good idea) gives me the heebie jeebies. BTW, from the pictures you have posted, Afton's whole room is BEAUTIFUL. Don't be hating.
I'm sure you could make one, you have talent. I wish these crib sets would stop including bumpers which are pretty much known to be unsafe and linked to SIDS. You have to pay all that money for something you can't use! Grr!
I LOVE THAT CAKE!!!! They don't make cakes like that here, they used rolled icing which I hate!!!
I wonder if that cake would transport to England?
Does your friend have a blog? I'd love to know how she makes her icing, another thing you can't find here!
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