confessions of a non-runner
Jill just left our house after a fantastic couple of hours of catching up. She is a really great friend. She even acted like she didn't mind when I spent basically the whole visit trying to get my kids to do tricks for her, of which they wouldn't oblige. "Milo, Milo, say 'Amish peace!' Do it or you're grounded for life! No, I'm serious, young man. Do it!" I'm one of those parents. Ew.
Jill was always the totally organized, focused, disciplined friend in college. Along with Valerie, she was also the healthy one. I would try to only eat wheat bread and steamed vegetables and the fat-free spray butter because I was trying to be health-conscious like they were, but it just didn't stick. I married a sugar fanatic and he brought me over to the dark side faster than you can say Milk Duds.
Lately, though, Jamie and I are trying to be healthy again. We've been eating lots of vegetables and a little less sugar and we've even been running regularly. Running and I have a love/hate relationship. I really would love to be a runner, but at the same time I absolutely despise it and I despise everyone who says they love running. (That last part is not completely true. A lot of people I love happen to love running. I don't despise them, I'm jealous of them.) Anyway, I am having a rough go with the running. I just can't run very far. I'm not even going to give you a numeric figure because it is that pathetic. But Jamie is a good coach and keeps telling me, "You'll be running (blank distance) by next month for sure!" And I get hopeful and motivated to run for another day. I am sharing all of this with you to give myself some blog accountability: You all can (should) ask me in a month if I'm still running and shame me back into it if I've quit. I'm also sharing this as a preface to one key point: It was really really really fabulous weather today and we went to the park and ran and played and it was lovely.
If this weather keeps up, I'll be running a marathon quicker than you can say Milk Duds.

P.S. Go Suns!!!! As I write this you are in overtime with the dirty dirty Spurs and I hope you wipe the floor with them. Those dirty dirty Spurs.
Update: I HATE THE SPURS. Next game we've got 'em. Dirty Spurs. Cry baby Duncan.
I *LOVE* Pearl's outift. So summery and so 80s! Love it.
So, you're doing the 10 K in August, right? 'Cause I am so counting on you.
haha i love that picture of pearl just sittin' there happy in the grass. they're both so cute.
and let me tell you - i am not a natural runner. i could never do a marathon or anything like that because i love the idea of running but i often am not motivated and i HAVE to have an ipod or a really good show to keep me distracted and going (and supposedly you can't have iPods and things for marathons?)
Abby, I love the pictures of Milo and Pearl. I love your most recent postings and photos. I love that Jamie is taking you to see Death Cab and Tegan & Sara. I miss you and can't wait to see you this summer.
Could Milo and Pearl be any cuter? I'm glad you are finally having spring. I'm glad glad Emily and Steve are coming home today to spring. I'm pretty sad tonight since they left. AG
Um, running is kind of terrible and wonderful at the same time. I like to do it usually, but I'm pretty slow. I had to learn that to run for a long time, I have to run slow. That was a hard lesson. It felt much better to sprint and say, "Look at me! Look how fast I am!"
But then I could only keep that speed up for about a minute, so that didn't work. I run something like an 11-minute mile, which is totally not impressive but allows me to run a few miles at a time without heaving up a lung.
So here's the good part - AFTER a good run, I feel great! I feel awake, alive, in touch with the earth, ready for whatever the day may bring etc. On that point, I recommend running first thing in the morning. That way, you get it out of the way but also get a refreshing start to your day.
I miss you still.
Boo Spurs.
I love the colors in your photos.
DITTO on the running. I despise it and everything about it (except that it's really good for you). I too,am trying to start running. I'm hoping to do a 5K in the fall. yes, I know that's not a lot, but I'm a short distance runner here people!
And I'm glad to know you're a Suns fan at heart still. You can smell the hatred for the Spurs in the air here
I too am a member of the don't-like-running club. Good for you for even making attempts. My friends say it gets better with time. I think they lie.
I love running. I have started again recently and either I have ten pound weights on each leg or I am fat and out of shape! I am hoping it is the first one, but I am pretty sure it is the second. I love your pictures in this post.
I saw your mom and sister last week. I was in AZ for a visit. Almost everyone I saw when I was there did not recognize me. I guess blonde hair and still having a lot of baby weight will do that.
Good for you, Abby! I'm trying to motivate myself into getting in better shape. I made a deal with my husband that if I work out for the next month or so we can start trying for baby number 2. If I'm not pregnant in the next month or so you'll know why. :)
Thanks everyone for the kind comments! Eliza, I have figured out that the "Look how fast I'm sprinting!" syndrome has been part of my problem. Your comment made me laugh. Today's run was actually pretty enjoyable at a snail's pace. But Jamie made fun of me when he realized that's what I've been doing all along. No wonder!, he was saying.
Wendy, you and Jamie must be related because he saw the outfit in the store and was immediately obsessed. Also, I thought it was a 5K!!!! 10, huh? Hmmmm.
Shugee, I am with you on the iPod. I couldn't run without it. BTW, you and Wendy are two of the people that motivated me to start running. Good job, girls.
Diana, I miss you too. I hope you had a good birthday. I'm sorry we messed up the harmony when we sang for you. We'll do better next year.
Mom, I'm sorry Emily and Steve left. I wish I was in Arizona and we'd come visit you every day until you got sick of us.
Eliza, I still miss you too.
Emily, I love that you are into the Suns. I'm not worried about you becoming a Jazz fan. Although, are infinitely better than the Spurs. Infinitely.
Bon, a 5K is totally impressive to me! I thought I was running a 5K in August and was psyching myself out about it but apparently it's a 10K so, you know, holy crap.
I wish I was in Phoenix to smell the Spur hating stench. Dirty Spurs.
Is anyone disgusted that I am totally padding my comments?
Sarah, I think runners lie, too. Like they got themselves into this horrible exercise regimen that they can't get out of so they want to bring everyone else down with them. You are so fit for not being a runner, by the way.
Kate, my mom told me she saw you and didn't recognize you. In fact, she said it was because you were so SLIM. And the blonde too. But you are light years away from fat.
Ashley, yay for baby #2! That's exciting. But I am thinking if you're looking forward to gaining weight soon that you should just jump-start the process and start eating candy bars and lounging around now. Tell your husband that.
Wow, that was a lot of comments.
A lot.
Hilarious. My first thought was "wow, so many comment." My second was "I should pad my comments so I look cooler." ;)
I was NOT a runner. But I am converted. Just start SUPER slow and either get some good convo (if you're going slow) or some good tunes. And I know everyone thinks "the eye of the tiger" is all motivating, but do you realize that its totally too slow to really run to? Unless you can run in hollywood slow-mo, then you're good to go.
Good luck and you can totally do it!
Interesting thing running - I was a sprinter in HS and don't think I've ever run any further than a mile at a time. Maybe I'll follow your example and try to be a runner again - after the baby. hah GO SUNS!
Yes, Katy, I didn't recognize you because you were a blonde wisp of a girl. I'm incredulous that you think you need to lose weight! AG
those dirty dirty spurs.... If you and Emily become Jazz fans, it HAS to be secondary to your Suns devotion.
Hmmm. wow- I thought I would add to your comments- maybe you could hit 30. Love running- but more when I am in shape. I am trying to get back to pre-Lucy when I felt as though I could run all day. now I am slow and have an extra 10 pounds keeping me from that super great running feeling-- Wendy I am so going to be ready for the 10k :) I'll need August to get there.
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Good of aluguel to contribute to the comment padding.
Kate, I recognized you, although I would have called you Katie. You have no baby weight whatsoever!
I know absolutely NOTHING about basketball but hey - apparently the Spurs are really an awful dirty team, so BOO SPURS. :-)
btw - I used to run in college (back when I was a svelte young thing).... however, I think now someone would have to be chasing me with a machete (or some other equally frightening tool) for me to even CONSIDER running. :-)
Always enjoy your blog, Abby... and those precious, precious babies!!
LOVE Pearl's outfit - I'm into all things vintage and it looks super uber cool to me!
Love the photos too!!!
here's the new link!
This has to be some kind of record for comments! I thought I would just add one more. Maybe you could get 40!
Allow me. That Pearl sure is cute. AG
the comments are outta control!
Thanks for padding your comments because it made me laugh and tonight I needed a little laugh. Also, congrats on running. Congrats? I don't know why I said that but maybe it is because it is something to be proud of? I am proud of you because your body can run and my body told me not to run anymore and I was a little bit relieved (and a little sad)[but mostly not]. This comment just got a little bit out of hand because really I just meant to say that 1. you are funny, 2.yay for athletics [running and basketball] and 3. your kids are really, really cute {still}. Go Milk Duds, I mean Suns!
p.s. That comment was not a cry for help.
natalie, i think you need help... i'm coming to help you.
Abby- I can't believe that I am comment #42! This is crazy! Ha! I love it! And I love you! And I love that I got to see you in your element, shy kids and all. It was seriously the best thing I could have done right after my boards. I hope you know that you and Jamie are hands down one of my favorite people! I can't wait to visit you A LOT! Thanks for your nice comments!
okay- lets try for 45
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