I cut my hair!!!
Just kidding. But Michelle Williams has me wanting her cute little pixie cut. I just don't have the face for it, though.And really, I would love Gwyneth's hair too. I'm just not very good at growing my hair out. Cutting is so easy. Will someone please be my personal stylist and do something with my hair and makeup? Thanks.
Oh, my goodness! That was shocking! Are you kidding me? You look fabulous in both those styles! AG
Abby, you look so great in the pixie cut. YOU OF ALL PEOPLE definitely have the face for it. The long one looks cute too, but everyone has that hair. Seriously, the michelle williams looks better on you than it does on her. I really thought you had done it for a moment and I was so excited about your boldness.
I would cut my hair really short too, if I had the face and body. You have to have a BEAUTIFUL face and be tall an skinny in most cases. You having both would look good with short hair. But the long would be really sexy. Life is full of hard choices. hahaha
Abby! I LOVE you in the pixie 'do! You have such a beautiful face and could totally pull it off. Go for it. ;-)
abs, i was soooooo excited because i thought that was really your hair!!! i think you should do it! i've never done a pixie cut before so i don't know if you want me to do it! but i would love to! if we did it though we would have to have a lot of fun colors in it!
Abs, You totally have the face for the pixie cut; however, I am really liking your hair in the current pictures of you as well.
PS how did you do that???
Totally loved the pic and was so surprised when you said you didn't actually do it! How did you "try on" that hair?
Thanks everyone! Your comments were so nice. Ray, if I actually did it, I wouldn't let anyone touch my hair but you! I don't know, I'm afraid of looking like a boy, I guess. We'll see.
You can do your own little hair makeover at InStyle.com. I think it's called "Celebrity Hair Makeover." Just make sure you have a picture where your face is straight-on and there's no hair in your face.
Abby! I seriously gasped when I saw that pixie cut! I really thought you did it! I love it on you! You don't look like a boy at all! P.S. You look stunning in your picture!
Have you ever seen the show My So Called Life? Because with the short hair you remind me of the mom on the show....but don't worry because I always thought she was really pretty! =)
Ha! I loved that show! Yes, I totally see it. I remember how the husband made such a big deal when she cut it. Maybe that's a sign...
While we're at it, let me just say that I'm looking a little too much like Amanda Bynes in the bottom picture for comfort.
The pixie cut looks so cute on you, Abby, what are you talking about. You should do it!! It fits your trendy style and personality
i was going to say the same thing about the My So-Called Life mom and about the them both looking good. and-um, how'd you do this? did you get that 'dream makeover' software stuff that i've been coveting for years? or are you really good at photoshop? or what? because i have always wanted to do this!
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