Thursday, April 02, 2009

obsessed with this picture

and it was only a matter of time before i became obsessed with tumblr, and that time is now. i figured it out and i love it. (thanks, kelly.) if you've ever wanted a place to store all the pretty pictures and quotes and ideas you find online, get thee there.

something i can do without lately is twitter. it was a brief love affair. i don't know. thoughts?


mary plus vince said...

i'm with you about twitter!

and tumblr.... ah! i love it! i'm so glad i have a space to put all the lovelies i find on the internet!

Sarah said...

I never fell for twitter. It seems like such a waste of time. But tumblr sounds like a gem. I will have to try it.

MyKelle J said...

Yeah twitter has gotten lost my heart. Well, except for when I get twitter updates from my favorite band...

as for that picture, i love it!!! Where did you find that?

grant + brittany said...

i have always wanted to do something like that, but question, so can you just copy pictures from anywhere? is that allowed? or where do you get them from? i love that picture too, i really want striped sheets right now.

Jarret M. Sharp, Ed. D. said...

Next time you are in Colorado - Paonia flavor - check with Grandma Sharp. She's got a couple of those blankie's around. I used to curl up under one next to the turn table and reel-to-reel recording Donny Osmond and whistling the theme to The Good The Bad and The Ugly.

Anyway...that's what that pic reminds me of. Good times. Simpler times.

Wendy said...

That blanket totally reminded me of Gma Sharp, too Jarret. And it reminded me of the white pleather couch with brass button-things all around the edges. And that reminded me of the plant terrariums with little plastic/ceramic trolls working in the "garden". And that reminded me of listening to Jonathan Livinstone Seagull and The Jungle Book, laying on the floor between the living room and dining room.

Abby--I bet Gma would bequeath one of her blankets to you if she knew how much you dig them.

Bethany said...

I have to say I don't even quite know what Twitter is... so I'd say one can probably do without it:)

Bon said...

what's the difference between having a blog and tumblr? they seem pretty much the same to me, minus words. (i do love your pictures though;)

abby said...

brittany, i think you could only get in trouble if you were using the images for profit. but i do try to site the source when i know it. if you click on the picture it takes you to the source.

bonbon, that's what i was confused about at first. some people use tumblr as their blog i guess. but with tumblr you can add a button to your toolbar that you click on when you see a picture you like and it adds the pic to your page. so it's just really easy. and no pressure to write anything. just a little virtual file folder of things you like. make sense?

kelly said...

i really like you. want to have a the city marathon and eat caramels? (or some other arbitrary treat?)

A "cheery" disposition said...

I am not a huge fan of twitter but im glad you said something about tumblr im going to have to try that. I love that picture by the way.