Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"that was the best movie i ever had!" - milo

jamie has had this dream for awhile of taking the whole fam damily to a movie. i told him it would only end in heartache. nevertheless, tonight we headed to the dollars. we stuffed the children with popcorn and red vines and milk duds and beverages. we lasted 30 minutes. if anyone can tell me how tale of despereaux ends, please leave a comment. i mean, obviously the rat and the mouse become friends, but does the movie ever get interesting?


lindie said...

Doug and I made it 10 min. into the movie Australia. The baby just wanted to play!! Lovely!! I still need to see it.

Bon said...

maybe in a summer or two you can try the summer dollar movies w/milo. we do that in my ward here. it's like 10 bucks for the whole summer to go see a movie once a week w/your kid. they show all little kid movies and i think it's a good "breaker inner" theatre time. that is, if you care enough to spend that time/money. don't worry, watching cartoons at home is cheaper and it gets rid of their brain cells just as fast. (jk, my kids are addicted to tv)

Wendy said...

It will happen eventually. Good effort though. ;-)

Wendy said...

It will happen eventually. Good effort though. ;-)

Emily said...

The thing is, 30 minutes into Despereaux, you haven't even been introduced to all the main characters yet. The exposition lasts at least an hour. I wish we had only stayed for 30 minutes. And that it had been at the dollars and not at the $51 place.

Brooke said...

we tried taking katelyn to a movie over the christmas break. we also stuffed my purse FULL of goodies, which lasted oh about 20-30 minutes too. i ended up letting tyler watch the movie while katelyn played in the arcades.
and...i haven't seen the movie yet, but i have read the book. it is obviously written for kids, but it is a cute book with a cute message. i do think for a children's book it does get a little dark though.

Bonnie said...

read it. it's worth it.

Anonymous said...

Milo got his money's worth! AG

Anonymous said...

I ditto everything that Emily just said. Did. Not. Like. It. Hated it is a bit strong but it wasn't good.