Tuesday, February 17, 2009

thank you for being a friend

me in my grandma sweater and my 3D glasses. we laughed and laughed at this. dorky.


amyegodfrey said...

Looks like a class act to me!

MyKelle J said...

so cute! love it!

abby said...

no, guys, LAUGH! it's funny! (but, thanks.)

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! You look so young. (I totally love the sweater.)


my mudda' calls me jack said...

I love the sweater and was realieved to read that the sunglasses were not sunglasses, but 3d glasses. I must admit I take a lot of fashion cues from you, but I was definitely feeling nervous about the glasses.

Kent Kate & Afton said...

You look really young in this picture. Very cute but very young. I heard about the 3d glasses. You have to buy them right?

Ashley Seil Smith said...

haha, thank YOU for being a friend.

Sarah said...

What movie did you see Blanche? Or is it Rose?

abby said...

you can call me dorothy. we saw coraline in 3D. it was trippy.

Sarah said...

There's a Dorothy?

abby said...

blanche rose dorothy sophia.

sarah, if you threw a party, invited everyone you knew. you would see the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say, thank you for being a friend.