it ain't pretty
speaking of changing diapers, guess who is almost potty trained? and guess who isn't close at all? and pees all over his Cars pull-ups that cost, like, 5 bucks apiece? guess which mom is going to embarrass him when he is older about how his itty-bitty baby sister could poop on the toilet before him? guess who thinks this is a really mean post for me to publish? yeah, me too, but you're not the one dealing with 3-year-old poop.
What!!! Pearl is almost potty trained? Afton screams when I put her on the toilet. Good for her!
Okay how did you potty train the pearly girl? I must know your secret I am so impressed. Also I wish I lived closer because I have been looking for someone to take ballet with. We totally would be friends if we lived closer, hope you think that too. It's good to have embarrassing stories about your boys for when they are older and naughty.
yes, it shocks me! she always asks to sit on the toilet.
jenna, i wish you lived here! we would be friends fo sho. i have made no effort with pearl and i am not the person to ask about potty-training because i have absolutely failed at it with milo.
You haven't failed. He'll do it. Crue can pee on purpose. Not in the toilet but on Piper's head, when she is laying on the floor drawing, because it's funny and also in the bathtub every single time, because that too is funny. He also passes gas on purpose. And you think you've failed.
abs, my kids are kind of that same situation. although, they're both potty trained (hooray), Grace still SOAKS a pull-up at night (that cost $5 bucks a piece, I know) and Tucker wakes me up to go potty and sleeps in undies (Cars of course).It's a sensitive subject for her and she cries over it sometimes too. Poor girl.
Conner is not potty trained yet either, Abby, it's so frustrating, don't you think? They totally know what they are doing. Conner will ask me to put a diaper back on him so that he can go poop. Come on!! Just go in the toilet, it's alot easier.
Wow, I'm really impressed with Pearl. Poor Milo. He never will hear the end of it, I'm sure:)
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