Friday, January 23, 2009

pearl at 1.5

pearl is 18 months old today. she has been sickie but she was still sooo excited to take pictures in the booth like milo. she looks possessed in the last one. i love her.


Ashley Seil Smith said...

she is so adorable.

Eliza said...

soooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuute

Sarah said...

She is darling! Looks a lot like you in these photos.

Is she ready for nursery?

Anonymous said...

She's a little actress, that girl! I hope she's feeling better. Nana

Wendy said...

No way does she look possessed--just darn cute!

kate said...

if you ever are somehow on my computer and find a bunch of pictures of your kids saved in a folder somewhere, you can't get mad. because LOOK AT HER! and somehow i think if i save them, my kids will look like that someday. you know, like how if i save tons of pretty house pictures, i'll have a pretty house someday.