Tuesday, December 09, 2008

one more thing for mrs. greedy

a vintage globe would be grand. it's been a few years since Geog 120. i could use a brush-up.


Ashley Seil Smith said...

that's a nice globe. globes are good.

i really love rainy days, too. and snowy days. overcast days are great.

MissKris said...

I want a globe too. We had one growing up and I loved it. Right now though I have no idea where I would put one but one of these days I will have one and my kids can spin the globe and close their eyes and put their finger on where they will someday live lol

Val and Dan said...

Sheesh miss greedypants! :D

Wright Bunch said...

Abby- so i found your blog on tiffany's. I really just want you to know that you are absolutely wonderful! Truly... you are an amazing person. Someday I want to be just like you. Thank you for your bright smile and beautiful example. - jenna

Angela said...

Ooooh...I love globes.

Bethany said...

Isn't weird how fascinating globes can be? I have my parents' old globe-- which may possibly be considered vintage... :)