Monday, October 20, 2008

have mercy

After eight trys, we kind of got it...? This isn't really brilliant until you watch take number seven:

My dad is a camera snob and does not believe in video, so it was a real sacrifice for him to not only let me use his camera, but also co-star. (Jamie couldn't seem to hear my {extremely loud} cue, so Dad stepped in to help. I am certain he's never seen an episode in his life.) Thanks, daddio.


Eliza said...

I haven't laughed that much in a long time. And p.s. "New new steps!!!"

Emily said...

Kim said...

When I got to your page and saw the houses, I started humming that song. And then I felt bad because what if it was a serious video and I was making fun?? And then I watched. Abby, I laughed so loud that the teacher in the room across the hall (from where I was waiting for my class) pulled me in to share with the class.

The class was rolling AND singing along!

Sarah said...

Love that Dad participated. Love Jamie's little jump at the end. CLASSIC!

Ashley Seil Smith said...

i just want you to know that i laughed just as hard watching these the second time around as i did the first.

abby said...

oh my gosh, kim, i am so embarrassed but love that you got a laugh out of it! anyone with a full house appreciation is awesome in my book.

Anonymous said...

Tears from laughing! I wish I had stuck around to watch the filming. I was watching your children in the playground on up the hill. AG

MissKris said...

Wait. I just watched this today. The episode where there is a rumor going around that DJ is a bad kisser. LOVE IT! Good job! =)

Tawny & Ryan said...

I watched the same bad kisser episode yesterday with Keeli. Actually, she fell asleep and I "forgot" to turn it off. ;)

Wendy said...

You crack me up! And I love the title "Have Mercy". :-)

Kent and Kate said...

how rude!

I love it. Have you watched that show any time recently? Cheesy!!! I used to LOVE that show.

Bethany said...

That was so funny! I enjoyed the cartwheels and jump at the end. Might I add, though, a little about the singer... She may want to keep her day-job:)