Monday, September 01, 2008

oh utah

saturday we played in the fountains at gateway and it was hot and we were all tired and urban outfitters employees and patrons don't really enjoy kids but we had fun anyway.

today it is soooo blustery and perfect and it is sweater weather and i hope it is here to stay and please note the turquoise pepper mill from anthropologie which we are really excited about.


Anonymous said...

I hope the stove isn't on. I love Pearly's smile. AG

shananchuck said...

So jealous of the cooler weather!! Your kids are so cute!! Oh and you are so right about UO not liking kids. But we takes ours everywhere!!

Bethany said...

Hah, I was totally going to say what Amye said! Man, Pearl looks just like you in that picture! Way cute!

Sarah said...

wait, gateway has an u.o.?

LOVE that pepper mill. very classy and modern! good choice.

Wendy said...

I always love your pictures Ab! I guess it helps that you have darn cute kids (and a really nice peppermill).

Anonymous said...

Yes, pepper mill is something to be proud of :0)

I love the fact M & P are on the stove!!

Pearl's face has "grown up" so much lately, she looks like a toddler now!

Anonymous said...

hi Abby sorry on a friends comp and therefore wrong sign in, comment above was me!


Ashley Seil Smith said...

when can we see you guys? milo and pearl are so adorable. what sweet little kids. i also love the pepper mill (see! something to match your carpet! =)