Friday, June 20, 2008

4 8 15 16 23 42

my sister emily flew with her husband to new york city today. i was at her house this afternoon when she called:

emily: "abby, i just lived your worst nightmare!!!!"

me: "wait, what?"

emily: "i just saw your worst nightmare! guess who."

me: "i have no idea!"

emily: BENJAMIN LINUS!!!!!!!"


as you can imagine, i am experiencing a strange amalgam of excitement, jealousy, and utter relief that i am on the other side of the country. i'm really not kidding.

(but emily, give desmond my love if you see him.)


Bon said...

ooooo....creepy. that's one of my fears too abby. i can't watch lost at night cause then i picture ben everywhere around the house waiting for me in the dark. ahhh!

Emily said...

It was in every way the highlight of my day. He was with a lovely blonde, hugging strangers on the street and helping his friend into a taxi...and manipulating a large whispery black cloud over the Lincoln Center....

Kim said...

Michael Emerson is from my hometown. I'vw seen him several times, mostly pre-Lost.

Unknown said...

I haven't watched Lost for the past few seasons, but I totally remembered that number frequency at the title of your blog! That guy DOES seem really creepy!

Elena said...

Wow!! He does look nightmareish...

Jarret M. Sharp, Ed. D. said...

I am tempted to say that if I met him I would go fists of fury on him, like old school fists of fury, not like Kung Fu Panda style. Then again, those large-mouth bass eyes might distract me and I would pull of some nightmarish scream as I ran into a wall or a dumpster...


abby said...

i love all the comments.

ray- would you like to be one of his wives?

kim- i am still trying to digest your comment and i fear for your safety. wow.

jarret- i'm with you. running into a wall, unfortunately, rather than fists of fury.

i have to admit that ben was much scarier last season than this season.

Jenna Eve said...

I believe the kitchen is from Target. Your hair is so adorable.

HWHL said...

I do not watch TV so I don't know who this is (judging from comments, it's a TV actor?) but I will tell you this... if I were walking down the street and this man were walking towards me, you better BELIEVE I would cross the street and walk on the other side!

He is WAY scary.

Anonymous said...

I'm not positive, but I think Ben is my favorite character. I love his random sarcasm. At times, it's the only chance to laugh through the whole hour. Well, he's one of my favorites, for sure.
