Friday, May 23, 2008

killer coat, dude.

found a bunch of old pictures recently. they make my little heart happy.


Sarah said...

Love that far-left part!

abby said...

he was ahead of his time, really.

Wendy said...

I don't know if it's just me (smokin' dope), but doesn't Ezra look like James in that second photo? I mean, if James were brown, and you squint a little? Somethin' about it. Maybe it's the big brown eyes, the little nose, and the dimples by his smile?

Anyhow--James you were a cute little boy.

abby said...

quit with the dopin' wendy. actually, i do see what you're saying! they are related, after all.

amyegodfrey said...

Young Fabian! So cute, Jamie!

Eliza said...

Is that Jamie or David Archuleta?

Amy said...

Oh- I so remember those photos! Jamie Jamie-- there is just something about his baby photos- you just want to pinch his cheeks :)

Jarret M. Sharp, Ed. D. said...

Bustin out with Will's Birthday Hat and the circa 1988 SDCA Hawaiian print. Is that the smell of Aqua Net? Mom and Global Warming...but the boys had the best look in the team photos for soccer.