Tuesday, May 20, 2008

crafty - fty + ppy

I made some bibs the other day using this Nested tutorial. Very easy. But satisfying and useful to boot. (Don't you dare look at my seams.)

I was going to give them as gifts, but they are rough, so Pearl gets to keep these and I will just keep practicing my straight stitches.

I also made Pearl a sock lamb. I checked out Sock + Glove, a Japanese picture tutorial, from the library. It is a lovely book. But my lamb did not turn out so lovely. He is rather homely, in fact. I've decided it's not entirely my fault, though. When I am sewing or doing something crafty I am always rushing because my children are either napping and about to wake up any minute, or they are awake and absolutely hovering over me. And eating thread (Pearl). My craft area is the kitchen table, so I don't like to keep my craft junk out for several days. Hence...the rushing and crapifying of crafts. But I aspire to craftiness, so I will keep on keepin' on.


Tyler, Brooke, Katelyn and Tanner said...

i didn't realize you were so crafty. i could learn a thing or two from you...who took your family pictures? i love them.

Jill said...

straight seams are over rated. I want to make crafts with you...why didn't we do some when we were roomies? I might be coming up to UT on Thursday...what are you doing?

Kizzy said...

love the bibs! pearl is so flippin adorable

Wendy said...

They are all lovely!

Bonnie said...

i have sock and glove. i love it. you should make the monkey. he's super cute. next I'm going to attempt the elephant!

Bethany said...

What are you talking about-- they're all so cute! I love the little sock lamb! I didn't know you were so crafty, either. Way to go, Suzy Homemaker:)

Eliza said...

I love your lamb. Can I name it? It should be "Lamb-Bo."

Sarah said...

The bibs are darling. Love your fabric choices.

Reba said...

You should sell 'em on etsy. How much would you charge for the sock lamb? I'd love to get one for Hannah, I think it's cute.

Jenna Eve said...

So cute. The bibs are so stylish, I want them. Keep craftin on!

Kent Kate & Afton said...

Cute fabric! Where did you get it?

Ashley Seil Smith said...

i love lambs (i still own a Lamp Chop sing-along shirt, which, when i think of it, is really a terrible name for a cute fluffy children's character) and i love your sock lamb. you are definitely crafty! i wish i could be crafty! i still haven't touched my sewing machine, even though we purchased a table for it months ago...maybe during the summer when i get out of school...maybe...

abby said...

kate: the fabrics are from buyfabricsonline.com. search for "aviary," "bird seed," and "apples and pears."

reba: i would love to make one for hannah girl. and i would never think of charging you. i can't make them quite cute enough to charge. plus, i love hannah.

eliza: lamb-bo it is.

jill: come over.

bonnie: i want to see the monkey you made.

ashley: when you are out of school come over and we will craft it up.

everyone else: thank you for the nice words! they are keeping my fledgling crafty career alive.

Angela said...

Love the picture of Pearl cradling the sock lamb. And the bib's are very cute too!

amyegodfrey said...

Very impressive, Abby! I love every picture you post of the kids.

Leslie said...

You are so funny... but I know how you mean about trying to get things done while the kids are napping or otherwise preoccupied. Can't get things done fast enough.

Crafting is fun! I'm right with ya on that! But thread is always a disaster waiting to happen. Milee likes to hold onto the end of the thread and watch it jump all over on the floor while she unravels it. :(

HWHL said...

Abby - I am so impressed! I think the lamb is really adorable and I predict it will be a favorite "stuffy" of hers for many years to come. You'll have to come visit my blog.... I posted an old pic of my kids when they were really little (J was 3 and S was 18 months.... I've really been reminiscing lately about when they were "little ones"....)

The bibs are adorable too!
You are truly multi-talented! :-)

Bonnie said...

abby - go look at my older posts. there are pictures there.

Suz said...

I think they're adorable...very domestic!!

Here Dwells Happiness said...

Wow, what talent and the bibs look so cute on Pearl!

Anonymous said...

the previous 40 comments already said everything that i wanted to say. But I still have to say that I am very impressed. I can't be crafty anymore because Ryan accidentally (i hope) sent the cords and presser foot of my sewing machine to the D.I. with a pile of stuff. Gone are the days of crafty for me until I re-order a new set of cords and such. Until then I will live vicariously through your crafty ways. Keep posting!

Meghan said...

Your bibs are super cute and Sock and Glove is on my wish list. I don't see any crapifying displayed here!