Friday, February 29, 2008

"pedro is working on an adobe. can you say that with me? a-do-be."

I can't seem to figure out a blog header and layout that I really like. It's really really bothering me for some reason. At the same time, blogging is starting to feel blase (Emily's words). That's the Dennis gene kicking in. I know people are probably tired of pictures of the kids but that's all I really want to blog about lately.

The weather's been so nice lately. We had a picnic outside today with all the kids and moms in our little area. I found out that I'm for sure the only one with turquoise carpet and I wanted to cry a little bit. And then I wanted to cry some more because it is so stupid to be worried about ugly carpet when there are much greater problems in the world. And then I wanted to cry because of all the problems in the world. But now I'm happy again.

Milo's getting some 'tude. He says, "Stop, stop, stop!" when we are singing a song. It comes out, "Schtop!" Kind of German sounding.

Jamie and I spent like two hours making lists of our favorite things yesterday. He even missed a class which is so not like him. We like lists.

I'm excited to go to NY. I love traveling. I visit teach this woman in our ward who lives in these nice condos on State Street. She and her husband went on missions to London and Hawaii and they have a summer cabin outside of Yellowstone and they eat at Pizzeria 712 every night (she's sick of it). And they're so nice. So I'm thinking, "Hmmm, how can I make this my life..."

I saw these then-and-now photos via ali loves curtis. I looooove this kind of thing. When I was in Europe I was always thinking about who was in the exact same place I was standing, but centuries ago. It gives me chills. Time travel would definitely be my superpower.

Ten points if you can tell me what movie the post title is from.


Emily said...

Regarding time travel: watch Lost asap.

Sarah said...

Um, yes, I watched the tail end of Lost last night and I was sort of annoyed. Time travel is very cool, but it sort of feels like the "dream sequence" on Facts of Life, or any book or movie where they don't know how to explain something, but want to do a certain story-line anyway.

Am I totally off here? Like I said I only saw the last 15 minutes. All you LOST fans, let me have it.

abby said...

You guys, hellooooo! You need to issue a spoiler alert! I haven't watched it yet!

Sarah, your eldest daughter might be able to identify the post title. Or she could've when she was younger.

Anonymous said...

Lost was insane. And I was a lot disappointed in it last night. You need to watch it soon.

By the way- Large Marge sent me. :)


Neil and Diana said...

I would guess N.D., based on the use of "Pedro." Abby, we CAN'T WAIT to see you. And you have to be my friend at the bachelorette festivities!

Sarah said...

Pee Wee? Is that you?

abby said...

Debi and Sarah, you are awesome. Debi, I did not know you were a Pee-Wee fan! You are too cool. 10 points for both of you.

Diana and Emily, you are awesome too. I keep thinking about NY and getting excited, but then when I remember you guys will be there, I get REALLY excited!

Sarah said...

Is Emily going to NY also?

abby said...

No, sorry. That last sentence was for Diana.

abby said...

Ok, just finished Lost. I love Desmond. Why were you disappointed, Debi?

MissKris said...


First of all, I love Desmond too. Second of all, I like all of your blog headers. Where do you get them or how do you do them? I am sick of my plain ole design and don't know how to change it!

Wendy said...

Look at the difference in those two photos!

I get like that, too Abby. I always think about the past. I would definitely time travel if I could.

Anonymous said...

No- I like Desmond. It was the lack of info about Kate and her mysterious 'Aaron.' I waited all week to find out nothin! :)


abby said...


I just put something together in Word and then save it as a jpeg and go to blog layout and insert it as page header. That probably was way too vague, huh? You could try googling "blog header help" and tons of tutorials and stuff should come up. Also, I think you need to have the "Minima" blog template to change your header. I think.

Amy said...

My super power would involve cleaning amazingly fast with unlimited amounts of energy--
And I like Desmond too.

Mrs McAvoy's Buzz said...

Hey Abby
Here is the link to my new blog, put some pictures up today of Jolly Ol' England for you!

Mrs McAvoy's Buzz said...

p.s. I'm a HUGE fan of LOST, last night here was the time travelling episode!

Wendy said...

I like your superpower, too Amy. I need some superpowers right now--all 7 of my family members are sick. Ack!

austinmcraig said...

I've been avoiding LOST for a couple years now. I can't dedicate the time. Also the last line is from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (I think).