Thursday, September 27, 2007

"PB + J...What a waste!"


Anonymous said...

Utterly darling! Pearl has grown so much! She sure looks like her daddy. Milo is bursting with personality! I can't wait to hold them both! Soon!

abby said...

Hi Mom! Have any of your students been caught in the act of debauchery yet?

Anonymous said...

The debauchery was minimal. We got wind of some theater kids planning to doctor up their sports drinks, so we did a bag search, after warning them we would. Then on the trip we heard from people in the know that if they were going to take any illegal substance, they would probably hide it in their cargo pants pockets. However, we didn't see, smell or detect any wrong-doing.
There was the usual amount of teenage drama. For example, one girl was so distraught over her boyfriend breaking up with her the previous week that she staged an emotional breakdown during intermission. At that point, suddenly, she couldn't walk without assistance, she refused to look at us or talk to us. Her assisters spoke for her and performed a 4 person group hug during the entire 2nd half. I barely got them inside the door to the auditorium, after uttering a choice word or two. The next night when we did room checks at bed time, we came upon the girl kissing her new boyfriend goodnight.
Oh, the festival was wonderful! Kids thought so, too.

Sarah said...

Please explain the B in PB + J. And the rest of it too. Am I clueless?

Pearl is so big! She looks like a Sharp for sure.

abby said...

Sarah, didn't you watch The Office last night? PB + J is Pam Beesley and Jim.

If you're wondering about Mom's adventures, she was in Cedar City with her students for the Shakespeare Festival and every year something happens, like her students get caught selling drugs out of their Holiday Inn room.

Emily said...

You guys are good photographers, and your baby is cute. Isaac quizzed me after you left: Mom, is Milo a baby or a kid? I guessed a kid, and he said I was correct.

Sarah said...

No, I know mom was in Cedar. That wasn't the part I was wondering about. It was the "What a waste" part. I had a meeting last night so I missed the Office (was it good?), but when I got home, we watched a few episodes from season 3. Probably good that I finish 3 and watch sequentially. But I don't think I can wait for the reruns. Somebody Tevo it for me.

Bon said...

the pictures are adorable. i watched the office-love pb + j!

debi said...

So by "what a waste" does that mean you don't like the way they are taking the relationship between P and J? I thought Will was going to wet his pants with the whole Andy story-line. (the nipple chafing.)

Wendy said...

I, too, about died over the nipple chafing--way too funny! ;-)

Cute kiddos!

Wendy said...

By the way, Amye, I am so glad I do not have to deal with teenage theatrics like that! ;-)

Anonymous said...

abby you have the most beautiful family! i can't believe how big pearl is getting! and i just want to say that i am proud that i reconized the pb&j comment- loved it! hows life? i can't believe you have snow already, that is too crazy! are you coming down to phoenix at all over the holidays or anything? i am dying to meet your kids!


Amy said...

Rob and I missed the office- well we caught the last minute. We were disappointed that we forgot to watch it. I thought it was going to be on at nine. So sad. And yes Pearl is super cute. I love your blog Abby. I need help.

abby said...

Debi- I was quoting Kevin. He was saying it was such a waste that Pam and Jim weren't together. They go together like PB+J. And then he made the initials connection. I love Kevin.

Wendy- Amen.

Micheal!!!!- Hi! It's so nice to hear from you. I visit your MySpace page every so often. Is your email the same or what? Let me know.

Amy- I think you could buy the episode on iTunes for $1.99. Or wait for reruns. I'm rooting for your little babe to make his/her entrance soon!

abby said...

Oh, and Emily- You are smart. I want Isaac to quiz me. Elliot is good at animal quizzes.