Friday, April 27, 2007

Hail the conquering graduate!

Bachelor of Arts in History, Chinese Language Minor

I am immensely proud of Jamie! He has worked so hard for this.

Today was commencement. He chose long ago not to walk, but wouldn't you know it, today he was wishing he had. D'oh. Oh well. He'll still get that beautiful piece of paper in the mail that's worth thousands by now.


amyegodfrey said...

Jamie, how FABULOUS! Congratulations on your major accomplishment. We're very proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Jamie! What a great feeling to accomplish something big like that!

Emily said...

Jamie, you are so awesome! Congratulations on being DONE!

amyegodfrey said...

You should have put yourself in that picture, Abby. I know you are there.

abby said...

Sorry, I just wasn't feelin' it. (I looked like crap!) Give the miserable pregnant woman some sympathy.

Wendy said...

CONGRATULATIONS James! I am SO proud of you! :-)

Neil and Diana said...

Congratulations, Jamie! We're both really proud.

Jarret M. Sharp, Ed. D. said...

Jamie, Abby, Milo - huge milestone and un accompli d'increable.

I want you to know that I know how critically important Dad thought an education was. It weighed heavily on his mind - enough so that a C in reading earned me 9 weeks of room time. Enoug time, it turns out, to get that C transformed into an A.

Hat tip to all of you, as a family. A deep bow to Jamie for his discipline and dedication.

As for walking - can I come watch you get your JD?

Anonymous said...

Xie xie!