Sunday, November 14, 2010


having cats has been this oddly joyful thing for our family. i say oddly because i've never really had a pet. not only do we have beautiful, fat agnes, but the scrawny runt of the litter that milo named labor. he's a real rascal. labor, i mean.

studies show that 85% of my readership are cat haters, so i will share something else too. today in the foyer at church milo did michael jackson karate moves for a lady friend in his class. she is a head taller than him but i think she was really impressed.


  1. mj? sweet moves! i'm sure anyone would be impressed!

  2. i do kind of hate cats. ha.

    also, labor is a brilliant name. the only cat i've ever had was named thumbtack because it stuck to me. labor blows thumbtack out of the water.

  3. I like cats! My kids want one of Cheryl's cats. I just don't think we can have one because Michele is allergic, my mom is, and their uncle is, too. I worry they won't want to come over ever again if we get one. :( Milo needs to show us his moves when you come over. I'm super excited by the way1 :)

  4. consider me part to the 85%.

  5. you guys! if you met agnes you would become the 15%.

  6. good news! you can count me in 15% because of a little white kitty that sits outside my door everyday. i named her pocket. she's really just my rebound from my dog... but i think she's okay with it.

  7. oh and i love mj. and it's pretty much the biggest arguing point in my marriage...

  8. i don't know why people are such cat haters. that little one you have there is ADORABLE. and have you seen our midge? she's probably the cutest ever. i can't get enough of her. cat haters just don't even know.

  9. I really want to see Milo's MJ moves! Sweet.

  10. haha, karate moves already? sounds like he's going to be quite the ladies' man...

  11. That IS a cute kitten, although I would be a bad pet owner. I wish I could have seen the MJ demonstration! AG

  12. I was about to say that hating cats is like hating Jesus because you're supposed to love all of God's creatures but then I thought I shouldn't do that. But then I did.

    I'm glad you have squishy Agnes and Labor. Cats are so crazy and fun.

  13. I know someone is going to be offended by my comment. I was just kidding! Uhh, we miss you guys!

  14. not only do i LOVE cats more than life itself (exaggeration? probably not), i also love the name agnes as is a family name and my cute niece's name too. good. choice.

  15. hannah, it's funny you say that because as soon as we named her that i was mad at myself because i would totally name a daughter agnes. but now that might be weird. although jamie once had a snake i named milo, so you never know.

    and you heard it here first, folks. hating cats is like hating Jesus.

  16. I am in the 15% non cat-hater group. The very second my little family moves out of our rental, I'll be staking out the wal*mart every Saturday in search of "free kittens" signs :)

    Agnes is adorable.

  17. Milo you are awesome! :)

  18. Hi Abby! I love your blog and I LOVE Agnes, her face is storybook!!!! Cats themselves are wonderful, but the furballs and litter boxes do get a bit tiring-you and the family will have many years of funny moments with the cats. Your family is absolutely PERFECT!-Heather B

  19. i'm totally offended by the hating cats is like hating jesus comment.


    I still stand by my comment.

  20. Whoops, that was me ^.

  21. we took in a sweet little pregnant kitten last summer, cause we would have been cold hearted snakes not to in the 115 heat. But after she had her kittens and started he super trampy cat calling after like three days of giving birth, i lost respect. It sounded to much like a horny baby. It was confusing and disturbing. i couldn't take i craigslisted her a.

  22. I will take a photo a day too, if you do. At least I will do my very best. I'll post it on our non-private blog so everyone can see. And we need to see you guys soon. Life is so busy and crazy and I'm afraid it slips by way too fast.

  23. And ... when my cold sores go away, I'd love it if you could take our Christmas photo. Would you?


Thanks for the comment, hot stuff.